Three more WIPS, but I think that’s it. There might be one or two more in a drawer that I started a long time ago. These three were all started last year.


Pattern and yarn from This is a long term project. It will be finished sometime, maybe later than sooner. But it will be finished.

From Knitted

Golden chai:

This project is more about the yarn than what I’ve actually started knitting. It is the cone of Artfibers’ Golden chai that I bought last year in San Francisco. I have started knitting a Coachella from Knitty. I do not get the correct gauge and I’ve tried to get it to not be too low in the front. But the too low issue is why I stopped knitting. So, frogging is in this projects future. I’m not sure what to make though. Either try again with Coachella or maybe I’ll try to make Jewel from Wendy Bernard’s Custom knits.

From Knitted


The last project is also something that will be finished. However, it might be  frogged first, because I’m a little hesitant about the size. This is Eiffel from Knitty in Allhemp 6. This is something that’s  been on my to-do list ever since I first saw the pattern and that’s why I bought this yarn last year.

From Knitted